VS: A DCL Draft

Around 2 weeks ago, Spooky informed our VS community that NG (a local gaming shop) found out that there was still a box of DCL we could draft for Php450 (That would be around $10) per person. Now that was cheap. We would get our prizes by pooling in our rares, keep the common and uncommons.

6 Peeps showed up, here’s the tourney report from Spooky

 Martin Wins DCL Draft Tourney!!!!

Winner: Martin (Gotenks)

Joem (Ukyo_Rulz)
Mario (Carebuggers)
Eric (Pawikan)
VInce (Major Glory)
Andrew (Spooky2799)

Comments: Awesome Tourney!!!!!! Martin drafted JLA/Teen Titans with 2 teen titans go! in his deck and beast boy engine in hand he demolished his opponents. Overall it was a fun and exciting afternoon of drafting a deck and drafting prizes as everyone looked like they came away winners as the cards that were prizes were very very good. Here’s hoping we do this again for Marvel Universe and Marvel Evolution!!!

I ended up 3rd place, losing to Joem’s IG/LoA build. I drafted IG concealed (as i usually do, crap) but i probably should have been more aggressive and thrown caution to the wind by not team attacking and going for the jugular. And Black Manta feels like a bad 3-drop when your 2 drop doesn’t have a pump to back her up. Lesson learned. Anyways, till the reprint comes out, off to a Bleach vacation.

*nope, no CLICK for MORE today.

~ by carebuggers on July 27, 2008.

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